\n'); }
Think "I'll throw Blue first, then Red, Then Orange.
Blue - Red - Orange
Blue - Red - Orange..."
After you've committed the plan to memory, then actually throw the balls - in the correct order.
![]() Start by just trying to get three good throws. Notice that as the Orange ball comes down, The Juggler could throw the Blue ball under it, for a fourth throw.
This is where it all comes together. Suddenly you will understand how everything works. You will be juggling three balls soon. You already know all the steps you need. It's time to put it all together. First you will try making the third throw.
From here all it takes is a lot of practice. Fortunately the practicing is the fun part. If you stop having fun, then it's time for a break. You'll learn faster by practicing as often as possible, but never for a long time at once.
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